“Figures of Speech 2.0”
I’ve been thinking of how we learn languages and phrases from other people. Those phrases can become our linguistic habits and habits of mind. So, what happens when I examine curiously the content of ready-made language like cliches and idioms? What if I take the content of ready-made language and look at it as if it’s unfamiliar? That’s what I’ve done for my exhibit; I’ve taken phrases that are common to me and played with them visually, using ink, gouache and acrylic.
For my sculptures I’m also playing with (punning with) familiar formats: a scientific museum display/collection, a children’s picture puzzle block, one of the kitchen staples and a picture book.
I’ve done this in order to, hopefully, share with you a surprise of recognition and perhaps a laugh.
- Oops A Daisy
- Under The Rose
- The Bees Knees
- Early Bird
A Bird In The Hand Is
Worth Two In The Bush
- Dare To Dream
- To Take Root
- Flew The Coop
- In My Book