Artist Jennifer Gray works with oils and mixed media as she explores subjects and objects that are deeply personal. Through a kind of “conversation” with the viewer, her work displays everyday objects and subjects, and even the human figure, in the way that she sees them.
In studying the human figure, Gray seeks to celebrate the quiet moments of existence. “The human form has been done again and again, and will continue to as long as we exist,” she explains, “I am greatly inspired by the old grainy sepia photographs. I wanted to capture the hazy painterly quality of the older cameras… the subject faces away because I want those to remain a universal symbol and not an individual’s portrait.”
Jennifer A. Gray graduated cum laude from Pine Manor College in Boston, Massachusetts, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Fine Arts. Her thesis, internship, and senior credits were earned at Harvard University in scenic design at Harvard’s American Repertory Theater.
- Suite Of Seven
- Flourish
- Crowterie
- Jade Light
- Waft
Look Both Ways Before
You Cross My Mind
- Queue